The Catholic Diocese of Christchurch is committed to fostering a culture where people are encouraged to raise concerns and complaints and can do so safely.
Depending on the nature of the concern or complaint the Church will follow its reporting obligations to: NZ Police, Oranga Tamariki or the New Zealand religious authority The National Office for Professional Standards.
The diocese strongly encourages anyone who suspects criminal conduct by any diocesan personnel to report the matter directly to the NZ Police.
If you believe that a child or vulnerable person is immediate danger, call the Police on 111
If you have reasonable belief that a child or adult at risk has suffered, or is at risk of suffering harm, you should make a report to the government reporting authority.
There are many situations whereby a member of the church may have concerns or be made aware of concerns, regarding a child young person or an adult.
For example:
A child, young person or adult discloses abuse
Someone discloses concern for a child, young person or adult
Someone notices signs of potential abuse of a child, young person or adult
A child, young person or adult makes a disclosure about their own behaviour towards another child, young person or adult
Someone witnesses concerning behaviour during a church activity or during a home visit.
Complaints and Concerns con be reported via filling out this form. Once submitted, an appropriate member of the Diocesan Safeguarding Team will contact you.
If the compliant is of a criminal nature report the matter directly to the police. The complaint can also be brought to The National Office for Professional Standards who are responsible for ensuring that all complaints of sexual abuse or sexual misconduct by clergy or members of a religious order are dealt with in accordance with a protocol called Te Houhanga Rongo - A Path to Healing.
The complainant has the right to report the complaint to the NZ Police at any stage. If the complaint identifies a level of risk to other people it may be necessary for NOPS to report this to the police.
The National Office for Professional Standards ensures a secure and supportive atmosphere in which those who have suffered abuse can disclose this to a trusted person in the expectation of receiving a sensitive, caring and compassionate response and to be supported in their continued healing.
Every matter of concern and every allegation that is raised with NOPS undergoes appropriate investigation and is handled with strict confidentiality and utmost integrity. It is important too, that appropriate action results from the findings of an investigation and that all those affected are acknowledged and responded to with respect and compassion.
Te Houhanga Rongo - A Path to Healing describes the supporting framework relating to complaints of sexual abuse or sexual misconduct by members of the clergy and members of religious congregations.
For more information on the role of NOPS and the complaints policy click here.